Digital Agency

Grow Your Business With Ease

A tailor-made website

Let's create together your brand new digital communication strategy based on an online presence. Whether you need a showcase site, an e-commerce site or a catalog site, we will provide you with digital solutions adapted to your needs. We are also a communication and digital marketing consulting agency and we will support you throughout your digital transition.

Visual Identity

Because your site represents your company on the web, it is essential to develop a brand image in line with the values ​​of your company. We support you in this process to create harmony around your business. We can, together, design your flyers, business cards, banners so that your brand is recognized at a glance.

Organic Search (SEO)

To position you better in the search engines against the competition, we optimize your website so that it is appreciated by the search engines and that you are visible to them. You will increase your notoriety with your potential customers, which will allow you to highlight your different expertise in your sector of activity. Discover the first steps of effective web communication that will appeal to both readers and Google algorithms.​


Customer satisfaction is our priority

Druizzy Gaming
Druizzy Gaming
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Thank you for creating our website, but also for helping us create a real brand identity around gaming. The communication tools that you have recommended to us are relevant and above all effective.
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Thanks to the Concept-SEO team for their responsiveness and professionalism. The follow-up is very present which is important especially when you start your activity. We were a little afraid to use agencies, but we don't regret it!
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Concept-SEO is one of the digital agencies that offers a real 360° view and produces brand content to show the seriousness of your brand. Our collaboration continues in our new project.


All the services of our digital communication agency are designed to help you build your online presence with a whole new marketing approach, but also a new global communication with your prospects. We provide you with the expertise of the agency with experts in marketing and communication, graphic designers, but also editors, journalists who work for SEO referencing or for public relations. Our consultants will also provide you with numerous advice in BtoB, BtoC, but also CtoC communication. You can now count on different levers to get closer to your objective such as events, e-commerce, social media, press relations, but also internal and external communication, and visual creations adapted to your desires and your needs.

logo site internet


Become more visible on the web with a tailor-made site

logo référencement naturel


Become visible to as many people as possible throughout the territory

logo référencement local

Local SEO

Be easily present for your customers near you

logo de l'identité visuelle

Visual Identity

Let's create your graphic charter together to define your brand identity.

logo de la création de logo

Logo creation

Your logo will be your number 1 communication tool on all your media (brochure, site, social networks, etc.)

logo rédaction

Web Writing

A relevant professional writing to be appreciated by both readers and search engines by becoming a real media in your sector.

logo Community Management

Community Management

Increase your reach through social media and get the community you deserve

logo de la communication digitale

Digital advertising

Make yourself known on different platforms such as Facebook & Google Ads with Adwords

logo formation digitale


Develop new skills within your company or train your service providers

Our latest creations

You can discover here two websites of our customers here and there. We regularly create sites with a reactivity recognized by our customers in order to update your projects as quickly as possible. We offer site redesign for companies wishing to modernize to reach a new market share.

We create a brand image

The Concept-SEO digital agency will also provide you with communication media adapted to your visual identity with creativity, but above all taking into account your values, your identity, and your brand image. If you are a young company, we can put you in touch with a project manager who will create your graphic charter from A to Z.

Responsive content

Current requirements are our priority over our achievements. This is why all of our websites are as effective on computers as on smartphones, but also on tablets. Responsive Design should not be an option because of its importance for your bounce rate, but also for your SEO. A new site must be responsive from the start for a perfectly conducted digital strategy.

exemple site internet
exemple site internet

An international communication agency

Concept-SEO is a digital agency from the South West of France, but which places great importance on opening up to companies from all over the world. Indeed, whether it is creating a logo for a construction company in London, building a tailor-made website for a large American firm based in New York, or writing SEO-optimized web articles for Spain, Germany , or Portugal, we put no borders to our services. Thanks to our multidisciplinary and multilingual team, we offer all of our services in French, English and Spanish.

A Basque agency

Concept-SEO nevertheless remains an SEO agency in the South of the Landes and the Basque Country with native professionals from Bayonne, Anglet and Seignosse. Having grown up surrounded by the beauty of the waves, the ocean, the mountains of the Pyrenees, but also with the clash of Basque, Landes and Spanish cultures, the ideas for graphic creations could only be turned towards freedom, and a strategy marketing based on strong values ​​that are important to us.

We like to offer our clients all the services necessary for a complete web development strategy with different operational and strategic poles. Our agency is therefore a web agency, a creative agency, an advertising agency, but also an interactive agency that likes to be represented as a global agency suitable for all communication and web marketing projects.

A Strong Local Identity for your Country

You will therefore have understood that our origin is closely linked to our passion for the creation of websites, the control of e-reputation, the implementation of new communication plans putting the identity of the companies and their founders. This is one of the reasons why we make every effort to transmit our culture while associating that of your country in our services.


Do not hesitate to contact us to submit your project. You can contact us via the form below or directly at

If you would like us to call you back, include your phone number in your message and your availability.